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[Other resourceRandom Boolean Networks and Evolutionary Game Theo

Description: Random boolean network的哦-Random boolean network of oh
Platform: | Size: 966961 | Author: 丁玲 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringRandom Boolean Networks and Evolutionary Game Theo

Description: Random boolean network的哦-Random boolean network of oh
Platform: | Size: 966656 | Author: 丁玲 | Hits:


Description: 将博弈理论与演化算法结合起来,开发了一种新进化优化的算法-of Game Theory and combining evolutionary algorithm, the development of a new evolutionary optimization algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘伟兵 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsevolutionary_game_GTFT

Description: GTFT在一个无标度网络上的进化博弈,迭代了20代,代数可更改-GTFT in a scale-free network on the evolutionary game, iterative 20 generation, algebra can change
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 鄙人不善奔跑 | Hits:


Description: wsls在一个无标度网络上的进化博弈,迭代了20代,代数可更改-wsls in a scale-free network on the evolutionary game, iterative 20 generation, algebra can change
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 鄙人不善奔跑 | Hits:


Description: 郭涛算法(GuoA)是基于子空间搜索(多父体重组)和群体爬山法相结合的演化算法。它通过利用少数个体所张成的子空间随机生成新的个体,体现了随机搜索的非凸性。此外,由于GuoA算法采用了单个体劣汰策略,算法在每次演化 迭代中,只把群体中适应性能最差的个体淘汰出局,淘汰压力 较小,既保证了群体的多样性,又可使具有较好适应性的个体能够一直保留。实践证明, GuoA算法具有较好的坚韧性,对于不同的优化问题无须修改算法的参数,而且效率很高,可能同时找到多个最优解。-Guo Tao algorithm (GuoA) is based on the sub-space search (more than the reorganization of the parent body) and combination groups climbing the evolutionary algorithm. It is through the use of a small number of individual sub-space by Zhang generate a new random individual, reflects the random search of the non-convexity. In addition, the algorithm uses a single GuoA poor individual survival strategies, the evolution algorithm in each iteration, only to groups of individuals to adapt to the worst performance out of the game, out less stressful, not only to ensure the diversity of the groups, but also could have better adaptability to the individual has been retained. Practice has proved that, GuoA algorithm has good tenacity, and for different optimization algorithm is no need to change the parameters, and efficient, you may find more than one optimal solution at the same time.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zhao | Hits:


Description: 复杂网络上演化博弈的小世界网络的算法等等希望有用-Evolutionary Game on Complex Networks of small world network of algorithms, and so wish to be useful
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 寇亮 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingTUGlabExtended

Description: 进化博弈论算法实现,有资料以及算法包。可以实现纳什均衡求解-evolutionary game theory
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: karakoram2 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringlliance

Description: 基于随机演化博弈的战略联盟稳定性分析和仿真-Stochastic evolutionary game based on the stability analysis and simulation of strategic alliances
Platform: | Size: 647168 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 演化博弈理论的经典书籍之一,主要讲演化动态博弈及其扩展形式,值得一读-Evolutionary game theory, one of the classic books, the main lecture of the dynamic game and its extended form, is worth reading
Platform: | Size: 1414144 | Author: MGC | Hits:

[MacOS developfangzhen1

Description: 在matlab环境下使用,演化博弈数据仿真的方式验证了平衡点局部稳定性-Evolutionary Game with simulation
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: levinroo | Hits:


Description: Evolutionary game theroy
Platform: | Size: 2205696 | Author: wangjian | Hits:


Description: Evolutionary game theory
Platform: | Size: 24679424 | Author: wangjian | Hits:


Description: Evolutionary game theory
Platform: | Size: 1062912 | Author: wangjian | Hits:


Description: Evolutionary game theory
Platform: | Size: 27715584 | Author: wangjian | Hits:


Description: 用MATLAB程序实现演化博弈的均衡求解(Equilibrium solution for evolutionary game)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: z_t | Hits:

[Otherevolutionary game code for matlab

Description: 演化博弈matlab程序与作图,里面有代码和最后运行成功的图形,方便使用(evolutionary game code for matlab)
Platform: | Size: 202752 | Author: 茵陈 | Hits:

[Otherevolution game

Description: 进化博弈论算法,解决感知网络中联合感知的问题(evolutionary game code)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ryanyang90 | Hits:

[matlabmatlab progaram of game-thoery

Description: 此程序用做演化博弈当中的数值仿真分析,仅供参考(Evolutionary game simulation analysis)
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 还是要减肥啊 | Hits:

[matlabPDToolbox_matlab-master (1)

Description: 演化博弈Matlab工具箱, 适用于复杂网络演化博弈研究(evolutionary game toolbox)
Platform: | Size: 3100672 | Author: 拼过色 | Hits:
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